
Programs & Presentations

NAMI Signature programs and presentations educate people about mental health conditions and warning signs. Participants also learn coping skills and communication techniques that can help them during times of crisis.

Education Programs

NAMI Family-to-Family
Next Course: March 10 - April 28, 2025 | Mondays | 6 PM - 8 PM

NAMI Family-to-Family is an eight-session educational program for family members, significant others, and friends of adults who have a mental health diagnosis. The course is an evidence-based program, meaning that research shows it significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the participants who have loved ones living with a mental health condition.

Participants learn about how mental illness affects the brain, how to support their loved one, and the importance of self-care. NAMI Family-to-Family is taught by NAMI-trained family members. The group setting provides mutual support, confidentiality, and compassion. There is no fee to participate.

NAMI Keystone PA offers the course throughout the year. Registration is required. Please submit your registration and a member of the NKPA Education Team will contact you.

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NAMI Peer-to-Peer
Next Course: April 8 - May 27, 2025 | Tuesdays | 6 PM - 8 PM | Rodef Shalom Congregation, Adult Learning Center 1

NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a free, eight-session educational program for adults with mental health conditions who are looking to learn more about themselves, and define their own wellness and recovery.

Led by trained individuals with lived experience, this program shares skills in the areas of problem-solving, listening, communication techniques, and handling crises and relapse. It also provides guidance on locating appropriate supports and services within the community and tips for advocating for those supports and services. NAMI Peer-to-Peer provides a safe and confidential space for those seeking mutual support and growth.

NAMI Keystone PA offers the course throughout the year. Registration is required. Please submit your registration and a member of the NKPA Education Team will contact you.

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NAMI Homefront

NAMI Homefront is a free, six-session educational program for families, caregivers, and friends of military service members and veterans with mental health conditions. Based on the nationally-recognized NAMI Family-to-Family program, NAMI Homefront is designed to address the unique needs of family members, caregivers, and friends of those who have served or are currently serving our country. The program is taught by trained family members of service members/veterans living with mental health conditions.

Virtual Course in partnership with NAMI Greater Wheeling, WV
March 24, 2025 – April 28, 2025
Every Monday
6pm-7:30pm EST
If interested, complete the program interest form

NAMI Keystone PA offers the course throughout the year. If you have questions about NAMI Homefront, email the NKPA Education Team at

Sign Up

NAMI Basics

NAMI Basics is a six-session education program for parents and caregivers of youth ages 22 and younger who are experiencing mental health conditions or symptoms. The NAMI Basics program is free to participants and it is available online with NAMI Basics OnDemand. This format gives parents and caregivers the opportunity to participate in NAMI Basics on their own schedule without the worry of finding care for their children.

If you have questions about NAMI Basics, email the NKPA Education Team at You can also visit NAMI Basics OnDemand.

Sign Up

Education Presentations

NAMI Ending the Silence

NAMI Ending the Silence is a free, evidence-based mental health awareness presentation designed for middle and high school students, school staff, and parents or guardians of middle or high school aged youth. Audiences learn about the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, how to recognize the early warning signs, and the importance of acknowledging those warning signs and getting help.

Participants will learn about mental health conditions through a brief presentation and personal testimony from a young adult who describes their journey to recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. Through dialogue, we can help grow the movement to end stigma.

For more information or to book a NAMI Ending the Silence presentation contact the NKPA Education Team at

NAMI In Our Own Voice

NAMI In Our Own Voice presentations change attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes through the power of personal stories. This free, interactive presentation provides audiences with a first-hand account of what it’s like to live with a mental health diagnosis while offering hope and providing insight into the fact that recovery is possible. Participants have an opportunity to ask questions, which allows for a deeper understanding of mental health conditions.

This presentation is appropriate for peer groups, community organizations, workplaces, educational settings, and mental health professionals. For more information or to request a NAMI In Our Own Voice presentation, contact the NKPA Education Team at

NAMI Sharing Hope 

NAMI Sharing Hope is a three-part video series that explores the journey of mental wellness in Black communities through dialogue, storytelling and a guided discussion. Sharing Hope is designed to promote mental health awareness, explore signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, and highlight how and where to find help. The video series highlights the following topics:

  • Youth and Mental Wellness: “How Do You Heal?”   Watch the Video
  • Community Leaders and Mental Wellness: “The Art of Healing”  Watch the Video
  • Black Families and Mental Wellness: “Smiling On Our Journey” Watch the Video

For more information about NAMI Sharing Hope, email Aleta Barnett, Director of Mental Health Equity and Community Engagement, at

NAMI Compartiendo Esperanza

NAMI Compartiendo Esperanza is a bilingual presentation for Latino communities designed to promote mental health awareness, explore signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, and highlight how and where to find help. The three-part video series explores the journey of mental wellness in Hispanic/Latinx communities through dialogue, storytelling, and a guided discussion on the following topics:

  • Youth and Mental Wellness: “Sanando Juntos”/“Healing Together”  Watch the Video
  • Community Leaders and Mental Wellness: “Las Raíces de Nuestra Sanación”/“The Roots of Our Healing”  Watch the Video
  • Latinx Families and Mental Wellness: “La Mesa”/“The Table”  Watch the Video

For more information on NAMI Compartiendo Esperanza,email Aleta Barnett, Director of Mental Health Equity and Community Engagement, at


NAMI FaithNet  

NAMI FaithNet is an interfaith resource network of NAMI members, friends, clergy and congregations of all faith traditions who wish to encourage faith communities that are welcoming and supportive of persons and families living with mental illness. 

NAMI FaithNet is not a religious network but includes outreach to all religious organizations. It strives to encourage welcoming, caring congregations and promote spirituality's vital role in the recovery journeys of many people who live with mental health conditions for whom faith is a key component. 

If you would like more information on NAMI FaithNet, email NAMI Keystone PA Community Engagement Specialist & SAFE Coordinator, Ikeya Craig-Swatson, at

NAMI On Campus 

NAMI On Campus clubs are student-led, student-run mental health clubs on high school and college campuses that work to end the stigma that makes it hard for students to talk about mental health and get the help they need. Clubs hold creative meetings and innovative awareness events, and they offer signature NAMI programs through partnerships with NAMI State Organizations and Affiliates. 

NAMI On Campus clubs: 

  • Raise mental health awareness with fairs, walks, and candlelit vigils. 
  • Educate the campus with presentations, guest speakers, and student panels. 
  • Advocate for improved mental health services and policies on campus. 
  • Support peers with signature NAMI programs and training from NAMI State Organizations and Affiliates. 

If you are interested in starting a NAMI on Campus club at your school or university email NAMI Keystone PA Community Engagement Specialist & SAFE Coordinator, Ikeya Craig-Swatson, at

NAMI Smarts for Advocacy

NAMI Smarts for Advocacy is a hands-on advocacy training program that helps people transform their passion for mental health and lived experience into skillful grassroots advocacy. The program is designed as a series of workshops or as a single full-day training that develops the following skills:

  • Telling a compelling story that is inspiring and makes an “ask” in 90 seconds.
  • Writing an effective email, making an elevator speech, and making an impactful phone call.
  • Orchestrating a successful meeting with an elected official.

To request more information on NAMI Smarts for Advocacy, email the NKPA Education Team at

Custom Presentations

Custom presentations are available upon request for schools, workplaces, and community groups. Examples include:

  • About NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania
  • CEOs Against Stigma: A Workplace Mental Health Program
  • NAMIWalks Keystone PA: Get Involved Today!
  • Mental Health 101
  • Caring for Caregivers
  • Is It Stress or Anxiety?
  • Stress Management
  • Mental Health and the Workplace
  • Managing Employees: What Supervisors Need to Know
  • The Youth Mental Health Crisis: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers

To request more information on custom presentations, email the NKPA Education Team at