

NAMI Keystone PA’s Blog features personal stories, press releases, news articles, and other content that provides information, insight, personal experiences, and more.

Youth Mental Health Conference Goes Virtual, Focuses on the Impact Pandemic is Having on Young People

On Friday, February 5 NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania will host a virtual education conference focusing on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on children, adolescents, and transition age youth. The conference,  Closing the Gap: Prioritizing the Needs of Traumatized Youth , will examine the intersection between the pandemic and complex trauma, and the role trauma plays in rising suicide rates among marginalized youth. 

“This is the fifth year for our youth mental health conference, but our first time hosting a virtual event,” said Christine Michaels, CEO of NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania. “We knew the pandemic was going to affect the format of the event, but the important thing for us was to make sure the event still went on because the need for resources is so high right now.”

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Youth Mental Health Conference Goes Virtual, Focuses on the Impact Pandemic is Having on Young People