

NAMI Keystone PA’s Blog features personal stories, press releases, news articles, and other content that provides information, insight, personal experiences, and more.

NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania Earns 2020 Outstanding NAMI State Organization Award

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has chosen NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania as the recipient of its 2020 Outstanding NAMI State Organization Award. The announcement coincided with NAMI’s virtual convention that took place on July 13-14. The award recognizes the exemplary efforts to carry out the NAMI mission.   

“We are thrilled to have been honored with this award,” said Christine Michaels, CEO of NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania. “Our staff and volunteer program leaders are so dedicated and we have an active and supportive Board of Directors, so it is very meaningful to have the national office recognize the hard work."

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NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania Earns 2020 Outstanding NAMI State Organization Award