

NAMI Keystone PA’s Blog features personal stories, press releases, news articles, and other content that provides information, insight, personal experiences, and more.

International Suicide Prevention Advocate to Visit Pittsburgh

In the year 2000, two years after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Kevin Hines tried to take his own life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. He immediately regretted his decision and, remarkably, Kevin survived. Since then, he has dedicated his life to living and staying mentally well and inspiring young adults to change their lives for the better. In his keynote presentation at NAMI Southwestern Pennsylvania’s 14th Annual Education Conference, Kevin will discuss his experience as a 19-year old on the brink of despair and how parents, teachers and other role models can connect with and help young adults who are coping with mental illness. He will speak with gripping candor about surviving his suicide attempt and his journey through recovery.

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International Suicide Prevention Advocate to Visit Pittsburgh